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Contact Us

Bruce M. 皮特曼中心,127室

Mailing Address:
Moscow, ID 83844-4257

Phone: 208-885-6307

Fax: 208-885-9404

Email: cdar@0794xiaoniao.com

Web: 残疾人访问和资源中心

Meet the Staff Map

Bruce M. 皮特曼中心,056室

Physical Address:
CDAR Testing
Bruce M. 皮特曼中心,056室

Mailing Address:
Moscow, ID 83844-4257

Phone: 208-885-9004

Email: cdar-testing@0794xiaoniao.com

Physical Address:
Student Health Center
Rooms 119-123
831 Ash Street
Moscow, Idaho

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 4257
Moscow, ID 83844-4257

Phone: 208-885-9107

Email: ravenscholars@0794xiaoniao.com

Web: Raven Scholars Program

Meet the Staff Map

Testing Accommodations

欢迎光临CDAR检测服务. Students with approved testing accommodations may elect to take course assessments (quizzes, exams, 期中和/或期末考试). 考试安排是基于课程的具体障碍. 为了简单和一致, CDAR Testing Services references exam administrators for the courses at University of Idaho. 考试管理员通常是课程的讲师. 对于法学院的学生,考试的管理者是法律考试团队.

所有学生都将使用 CDAR Access Portal 提交考试安排请求. 参加CDAR测试服务的考试必须至少安排 考试日期前7个日历日.

 Final Exams 为2024年秋季必须安排 11/22/2024.

如果学生不能参加预定的考试, please email the course exam administrator and CDAR Testing Services together on the same email. Wait for a response from the exam administrator with any available options. CDAR Testing Services cannot proctor an exam past the deadline set by an exam administrator without their explicit written permission. CDAR Testing Services is unable to schedule any exams without explicit confirmation from the exam administrator while in adherence with the student’s CDAR approved accommodations. 住宿通常不具有追溯力.

CDAR Access Portal

Students with approved accommodations can renew accommodations each semester, access notes, 并通过Access Portal安排考试.

CDAR Access Portal

Policy & Procedures

所有学生都将使用 CDAR Access Portal 安排他们的测验和/或考试. 有关详细说明,请访问 安排合适的考试

To cancel or modify an existing Exam schedule Request please complete the following steps:

  1. Login to the CDAR Access Portal
  2. 单击左侧的Alternative Testing选项卡
  3. Choose the Exam Schedule Request from the Upcoming Exam Requests list that needs to be cancelled or modified
  4. 点击“修改”或“取消”
  5. Complete form
  6. Submit

  1. 确保学生准时开始考试, CDAR encourages everyone to arrive 15 minutes prior to their scheduled start time. We encourage everyone to familiarize themselves with the testing location in advance if they are not familiar with the area and/or building. 如果学生迟到了预定的考试, their reservation will be held for up to 15 minutes 没有调整失去的时间. Arriving more than 15 minutes late may be considered a “No Show” and their exam reservation may be cancelled with a notification sent to both the exam administrator and student. Students will need to contact and work with their exam administrator regarding missing their exam. 在情有可原的情况下, 请在考试开始前致电208-885-9004.
  2. CDAR测试服务是一个无香味的环境. Please consider others on test day by not using scented products such as body spray, cologne, perfume, lotions, etc. Thank you for considering others by supporting a fragrance free testing environment.
  3. All students must present current, valid photo ID to CDAR Testing Services staff. 没有有效证件的学生将不允许参加考试.
  4. If the exam administrator has specified that scratch paper is allowed during the exam, CDAR Testing Services will provide this resource; students are not allowed to use their own scratch paper.
  5. No electronic devices (cell phones, smart watches, music players, calculators, etc.) are allowed other than those which are a CDAR approved accommodation or resource allowed per the exam administrator.
  6. Any item not permitted during the exam will be stored in a secured space within CDAR Testing Services. CDAR测试服务提供降噪耳机.
  7. All portable electronic devices must be fully silenced before the exam begins, 这包括储存在储物柜或背包中的设备. 实现这一点的一个简单方法是将设备设置为飞行模式. 如果电话响起或震动, CDAR Testing Services will ask the student to leave their exam to silence their device 没有调整失去的时间.
  8. All students must remain within the testing area during their examination with the exception of short restroom breaks. CDAR测试服务中心鼓励所有学生使用洗手间, pay for parking and address other non-testing related issues prior to starting the exam.
  9. 考试时,学生可以随身携带饮料. The container must contain a lid that completely closes and seals to prevent spills. CDAR Testing Services staff may ask to see the inside of the container to ensure that no unsanctioned materials are contained.
  10. Exam materials may not leave CDAR Testing Services at any time without explicit confirmation from the exam administrator. 如果学生希望保留考试材料, 考试管理员必须通过电子邮件收到提前通知 cdar-testing@0794xiaoniao.com,在学生开始考试之前.


By testing with CDAR Testing Services, students acknowledge that they have reviewed the CDAR测试服务策略 & Procedures,并同意全面遵守上述各项规定 欧洲杯买球学生行为准则; College of Law students will additionally adhere to the 法学院荣誉守则

Students are encouraged to use the restroom before arriving at CDAR Testing Services. 考试期间上厕所的时候, 学生必须把试卷交给监考人员保管,直到他们回来. 考试时间不因上厕所而调整. 在洗手间休息期间,学生将继续坚持 CDAR测试服务策略 & Procedures AND 欧洲杯买球学生行为准则 及(如适用) 法学院荣誉守则.

学生必须遵守本办法第2条E款的规定 欧洲杯买球学生行为准则. 学生也应遵守 CDAR Testing Policies & Procedures. 此外,法学院的学生必须坚持 法学院荣誉守则.

CDAR Testing Services works with exam administrators and the Assistive Technology team to provide accessible exam materials. Students needing alternative formats for online or take-home exams should email atext@0794xiaoniao.com.

Students are expected to confirm CDAR approved testing accommodations are in place PRIOR to taking EACH online exam. Starting an exam without accommodations indicates the student does not wish to receive accommodations on the exam. CDAR Testing Services does not proctor online exams unless the exam administrator proctors the in-class students. 欧洲杯买球图书馆在3号楼有两个独立的自习室rd 楼层,安静的楼层,学生可以预定. 根据伊利诺伊大学图书馆的规定,学生必须填写一份 图书馆订房 to use these spaces.

CDAR approved accommodations on exams open for more than 24 hours (typically called a take-home exam) are determined on a case-by-case basis. Students and/or exam administrators should contact CDAR to discuss disability related need for CDAR approved testing accommodations on these assessments before taking them. 请致电208-885-6307或发电子邮件 cdar@0794xiaoniao.com for assistance.

Other Questions

有关CDAR住宿的问题,请发电子邮件 cdar@0794xiaoniao.com or call 208-885-6307.

有关安排考试或协助安排考试的问题, 请致电CDAR测试服务 cdar-testing@0794xiaoniao.com or call 208-885-9004.

*CDAR测试服务无法更改学生住宿. please contact the main CDAR office at 208-885-6307 to schedule an appointment with an access consultant.*


Summer Term: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday
Fall/Spring Terms: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday

期末考试周的上课时间可能会延长. Updated hours will be posted on the CDAR website and on the door to CDAR Testing Services.

Kevin Ferry

Testing Coordinator

kevin ferry

残疾人无障碍中心 & Resources (CDAR)



Contact Us

Bruce M. 皮特曼中心,127室

Mailing Address:
Moscow, ID 83844-4257

Phone: 208-885-6307

Fax: 208-885-9404

Email: cdar@0794xiaoniao.com

Web: 残疾人访问和资源中心

Meet the Staff Map

Bruce M. 皮特曼中心,056室

Physical Address:
CDAR Testing
Bruce M. 皮特曼中心,056室

Mailing Address:
Moscow, ID 83844-4257

Phone: 208-885-9004

Email: cdar-testing@0794xiaoniao.com

Physical Address:
Student Health Center
Rooms 119-123
831 Ash Street
Moscow, Idaho

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 4257
Moscow, ID 83844-4257

Phone: 208-885-9107

Email: ravenscholars@0794xiaoniao.com

Web: Raven Scholars Program

Meet the Staff Map